Explore your community. Tell stories with maps.

The geographic workshop is a new library resource meant to empower you to make maps with a computer and think about useful ways we can represent the world we live in. Scappoose Public Library hosted in-person workshops in the spring and summer of 2023, but the whole thing is designed for portability–the necessary software and workshop resources all fit on a USB drive that you can pick up at the library and take home with you (you’ll need a computer running Windows 10 or higher and an internet connection). If you don’t have a computer, or would rather make maps at the library, ArcGIS Pro, the industry standard for GIS software, is already installed on library workstations. You can also download workshop materials using the links below.

This resource is made possible by a grant from the Institute of Library and Museum Services, with additional support from the Center for Geography Education in Oregon and Portland State University.

For more information, inquire at the library (), or email Marty Marquis at .

Download the data library (468 MB)

The data library is an ESRI geodatabase (.gdb file) comprising 40 spatial datasets, most of which are specific to Columbia County, including census geographies, elevation models, transportation networks, schools and school districts, green spaces, streams, etc.

Download all workshop materials (521 MB)

The full workshop includes the data library along with instructions for setting up an organizational account through the library and exercises designed to get you started making maps with ArcGIS Pro and thinking about geography in new ways.

Last updated 06 February 2024